Glitterflake is difficult to repair. I was under the impression that you dont add the wax additive until you apply the final coat of clear.
Its a sphion gun with an air controlled blade at the bottom of the pot.
Bass boat metal flake repair. This video covers the stages of spraying metalflakepolyflake glitter on a boat. We cover the mixture gun tips spraying tips on how to get the flake to. A metal flake is simply that a piece of metal that is painted.
If it becomes oxidized you have lost the bright paint job on the flakes of metal. Theres no other paint job that will restore the gloss and original beauty of your boat like metal flake. But it also is one of the toughest paint jobs to repair.
Cosmetic and Structural Damage. Waxes are not very good at protecting your boat surface against environmental damage. Your boat was built from the inside out.
The manufacturer sprayed clear gelcoat into the mold followed by the metalflakecolored gelcoat and then laid up the various fiberglass layers to. Bass Boat Repair - Flake Finishes Almost all production fiberglass boats are built in female molds which means the outside layer of the boat goes in the mold first. In the case of boats with metalpoly flake finishes the first layer to go in the mold the outermost layer of the boat.
Based in western North Carolina Mobile Marine specializes in boat fiberglass repairs bass boat metal flake repairs and gelcoat fiberglass damage. We also offer full boat restoration services general boat maintenance and customization. Our unlimited boat repair and restoration services include gelcoat and fiberglass repair.
Bass boat metal flake repairs. Gelcoat fiberglass damage repair. Full restoration services including transom stringers floor carpeting upholstery.
Mechanical services including yearly engine service oil changes outdrivelower unit service. Outboard services including yearly service to powerhead rebuild. Everything You Need for A Perfect FIX Every time Marine Coat One Bass Boat Gel Coat Repair Kit with Glitter Flake is the only complete Bass Boat kit on the market using the highest quality materials and all the necessary components to perform a professional quality repair on your Glitter Flake Bass Boat.
Transom Stringer and Floor replacement Carpet Hardware Deck and Hull repair and restoration Full line of paints and metal flake and much more. Our Feelings At Johns Fiberglass Boat Repair We give our customers personal service. Glitterflake is difficult to repair.
It comes in a wide variety of sizes and colors and many types will turn bright silver if they are directly sanded. Consequently minor surface repairs should be done only on the clear careful to avoid the flake. If you sand into the flake for any reason or the flake is exposed then sanding into it may make any repair look blotchy or different from the surrounding area when clear is applied over it.
Clear coats over metal flake tend to fail and start to peel over time frequently its because of poor prep work. The typical bass boat will use 2-3 lbs of metal flake in the gelcoat. 3 oz of flake on BCB color sheet is equal to 14 teaspoon or a little more when doing this repair per half at that paper cup filled with gelcoat.
Metal Flake Boat Paint. For the ultimate flashy touch add metal glitter flake to your boats finish. Great Lakes Skipper has great discount prices on metal glitter flake to use on your custom boat car truck motorcycle or other projectits a popular choice for electric guitar finishes.
Apr 28 2014. Repainting metal flake question. Depending on the actual size of the flakes you are wanting to spray will determine the nozzle size for the spray gun you will have to use.
You can use a 15mm - 20mm tip for the primer coats but you will need a special mm size to allow the flake to pass through the gun tip. Tinys Fiberglass Repair 1600 Hwy 31 Longview Texas 75604 Phone. Wet sanding it with two grits 800 then 1000 will usually bring it back.
Then hit it with a polish and go over that with a glaze and it should look good as new. If the clear coat is to thin this will show up in the first sanding. At that point finish removing the clear the 1500 the color and buff.
Im going to respray the metal flake gel coat on my bass boat. I read some where that I dont need to add hardener That Im supposed to just let is dry naturally before I shoot with clear. Is this the correct.
I was under the impression that you dont add the wax additive until you apply the final coat of clear. Kevin and his son Paul did a fabulous job on reparing a deep scratch on my bass boat. It has 3 different colors of metal flake fiberglass that they restored to look as good as new.
I am VERY PLEASED with their work. I would highly recommend them for any of your boat repair. The typical bass boat will use 2-3 lbs of metal flake in the gel coat.
Mix the gel coat inside a pail thoroughly with a paint stirrer to disperse the metal flakes. Stir the it thoroughly and frequently during application to prevent the metal flakes from settling to the bottom. Metal flake gelcoat is best applied using a gel coat spray gun to.
You are looking at a Stratus Bass Boat that had a collision with another boat. The starboard side was severly damaged and needed repaired. We cut out all the damaged fiberglass rebuilt the deck and hull portion of the boat with new fiberglass.
We prepped all areas for new gel-coat and custom matched the metal flake. Lil Daddy Roth Metal Flake - Ruined Retina Red - Solid Flake 2oz - Lil 008 1799. KINNO Gold Leaf Flakes for Resin Craft30g Gold Foil Gilding Flakes Set for SlimeResin AccessoriesPainting Crafts Nail DIYHome Decoration.
47 out of 5 stars. Joined Dec 27 2007. Discussion Starter 14 Oct 11 2009.
You can use a standard sphion gun but not an HVLP gun. The flake will settle down to the bottom of the cup and then you have a mess. I have a special gun that shoots only flake.
Its a sphion gun with an air controlled blade at the bottom of the pot. Not even water sparkles more in the sun than a metal flake boat. Unless that finish has spider cracks dings or a dull top coat.
The Gel Coat Doctor can repair restore and rejuvenate metal flake finishes to that right off the showroom shine. He has the expertise to fix the finish so that no one will ever know there was even the tiniest flaw.