This will ensure the bunks of the target are sticking out of the water just a little. Step 2 Adjusting Your Boat Trailer Bunks.
Loosen the screws that secure the boat bunk brackets and move them upwards until they rest on the hull.
How to properly adjust the bunks on a boat trailer. To adjust boat trailer bunks I recommend starting on the front section. Loosen the screws that secure the boat bunk brackets and move them upwards until they rest on the hull. Fasten the screws with a torque wrench noting the amount of force specified by.
Nevertheless theres a general guide. The trailer bunks should be resting about 13 from the bottom part of the boats hull. This step requires you to start in the front of the boat trailer.
Raise the brackets by loosening them so the bunks will lie on the boats hull. Step 2 Adjusting Your Boat Trailer Bunks. Once you are happy that your boats keel is resting on your boat trailers keel rollers it is time to make the adjustments to your boat trailer bunk brackets and hardware.
With your boat resting on your keel rollers you should be able to make changes to your boat trailer bunks without removing the boat from your trailer. Start at the most forward point of the bunk raise the bunk until it touches the bottom of your boat and tighten until the bunk is in place. Repeat this step moving down your trailer until all of the bunks are touching the bottom of your boat and are secured in place.
Watch the boat coming up the trailer and make sure the bottom is clearing the frame and fenders and the bunks are positioned flat against the hull. If bunks require left or right adjustment see Picture 2 belowStop pulling the boat up when th back or transom of the boat lignes up with the back end of the bunks. Adjust the bunks so the chines on your hull are resting on the bunks.
Just like the image below. If your trailer is too narrow to get the bunks under the chines or if you dont have enough room between the keel and the crossmember to install the keel guides then its okay to adjust the bunks to rest under the outside set of lifting strakes. Next up place the bunks on the trailer frame with brackets.
You should place them standing on the side refer to the image below and they should support the outer side of the hull. These will be supporting the boat the most so well use the boat trailer bunk position as a reference for the placement of the boat. When i take the strap off the boat rolls to one side and there is approximately a 15 gap between the boat and the bunk on the other side.
The boat is raised up above roller 1 and not touching it so that currently is serving no purpose. The boat is dug deep into roller 2 and slightly into roller 3. I assume I just need to lower roller 2 until the boat rest on roller1 and.
The height of each bunk on each side of the boat should be identical to the height of the bunk on the opposite side of the trailer. Your bunks should be spaced so that they support the hull of the boat in the strongest part of the boats hull. In other words it is great if the bunks can be quite close to a strake chine or reinforcing area.
When you set up your boat on your trailer it will need to be adjusted with a nose up or keel up angle ie. The boats keel needs to be set higher at the front than at the rear. This will allow the hull to roll off your trailer quickly and easily.
Adjust the bunks if your boat is setting on the keel but is tipsy on the trailer. Use your adjustable wrench to loosen the bolts that hold the bunk supports in place on the trailer. Raise the forward end of the bunk until it touches the.
Make sure you do it on the steepest one that is available to you. This will ensure the bunks of the target are sticking out of the water just a little. In accordance with the target bunks put the boat on your trailer.
In order to hook it up you need to make sure there is enough winch line released. Adjust the bunks if your boat is setting on the keel but is tipsy on the trailer. Use your adjustable wrench to loosen the bolts that hold the bunk supports in place on the trailer.
Raise the forward end of the bunk until it touches the bottom of the boat and tighten the forward-most bolt. Unless a trailer is specifically built for a specific boat attach bunk systems either roller or bunk style to the framework of the trailer with adjustable mounting brackets. To a degree the brackets enable you to raise lower or move the bunks side to side and enable you to adjust the angle of the bunk to match the sloped bottom on a V-hulled watercraft.
Take your tape measure your level and your tools when you go to a body of water where you can float your boat and park it on shore or at a dock. Then use your current observations to adjust the bunks on your trailer. Then load the boat back up and check to see how it is then sitting.
If not right drop the boat back into the water and adjust. Others may vary. Position the boat for good transom support from bunks andor rollers.
Adjust bunks and rollers as required for proper support. Position the suspension truck on the frame so that about 7-10 of the total weight is on the hitch ball. Generally the rollers located at the trailers front should be higher than the rollers at the back following the keels shape and allowing for a quicker launch when at the ramp of the boat.
Adjust boat trailer bunks. If youre happy with the keel of the boat resting on the keel rollers properly adjust the bunk brackets along. Using your picture as reference the bunk needs to be to the right more so the riser is sitting just inside the bunk and the hull is resting on the on the bunk.
How is your tongue weight it should be 150 - 200 pounds. If the boat is sitting too far back the tongue is going to be too light if too far forward too heavy. Many boat owners dont know how to correctly and safely drive a boat onto their trailerThere are 2 main points to remember the first is confidence.
That will require a new angled or modified existing set of mounting brackets and if I had the choice I would either double the current number or move the angled brackets to the outside of the bunks so that when the pressures of loading come into play the bunk is pushed against the bracket rather that the converse which is the way it is currently on that trailer. If the boat sticks out beyond the bunksrollers then move the rear pivot adjustment to the B-position. Once the rear pivot horizontal adjustment has been set determine if the vertical adjustment should be in the 1 or 2 hole position.
Check the fender and crossmember clearance - these should be no less than 34. Slowly lift the outermost bunk or roller from the left side to the hull and place it carefully against the hull in an unbreakable location. Let one of your helpers hold the bunk in position until you fix the bolts that hold the roller or bunk appropriately.
Perform the same process once again on the right side for all the remaining bunks or rollers except the one at the keel.