If your chine beam is over 80 wide a w-series wide trailer is needed. When you set up your boat on your trailer it will need to be adjusted with a nose up or keel up angle ie.
Aug 29 2019 5.
Setting up a boat trailer. How to set up your boat trailer to launch and load like a pro. First youll need to determine if your trailer is a good candidate to work with. The style of boat trailer on the left will not work well for anything more than like a 13 aluminum jon boat.
The style of trailer on the right is. When you set up your boat on your trailer it will need to be adjusted with a nose up or keel up angle ie. The boats keel needs to be set higher at the front than at the rear.
This will allow the hull to roll off your trailer quickly and easily. Boat Trailer Tips. How to properly set up your trailer.
If playback doesnt begin shortly try restarting your device. Videos you watch may be added to the TVs watch history and. Next up place the bunks on the trailer frame with brackets.
You should place them standing on the side refer to the image below and they should support the outer side of the hull. These will be supporting the boat the most so well use the boat trailer bunk position as a reference for the placement of the boat. When my boat trailer was sitting level the tow hitch was still higher than that on the car Subaru Forrester so I solved that issue with an upside down drop plate to give me a second higher up towball on the car.
Reading the above With no boat on the trailer and hitched up. In accordance with the target bunks put the boat on your trailer. In order to hook it up you need to make sure there is enough winch line released.
Now the winch has to be put in low gear and that can be achieved if you move the turning handle axle. Jon Boat Trailer Set Up - 1436 Trailer Adjustment 2of2 - YouTube. Determine the Trailer Model Required.
With the correct length width and weight of the boat. Determine length by measuring transom to bow eye. Determine width by measuring the chine beam.
If your chine beam is over 80 wide a w-series wide trailer is needed. Connect your new trailer to your vehicle by latching the coupler to the hitch ball and connecting the safety chains and lights. Back your new trailer in the water in front of your boat so you can float the boat on.
Back the trailer down until the forward top of the bunks are above the water about 3 inches. Adjusting boat winch post and trailer set up - YouTube. Back off the keel rollers approximately 14 to 12 a turn on the height bolts.
Drive your trailer up the road or around the car park to settle the boat down onto the trailer. Reset the keel rollers to just take the load of the boat including the front bow roller and self centering rollers. You should now have the boat supported between the strakes and the keel evenly and still have roughly a 5 degree down slope.
On a keel rollerbunk trailer it is the keel rollers that should take the weight of the boat. The bunks merely keep it level. Adjust the aft roller to support the transom.
If needed move the boat on the trailer and the winch stand if needed so that the transom rests on the aft roller. To fit a boat to the trailer make rough measurements to allow the boat to sit straight and level on the trailer then crawl under the trailer and position each bunk making sure that the bunks or rollers are positioned next to not under strakes or other protrusions from the bottom that the transom is well supported and that bunks are located under the interior stringers as well as any other areas needing. Make sure your tow vehicle has the right ball size 2 for singles and small tandems.
2 516 for tandems over 6000 boat load capacity and all triple axle trailers. With capacity equal or greater than the weight of your boat with all tanks full and gear and the weight of the trailer. Setting up new bunk trailer Pictures of new trailer and your boat hull would help.
The end of the bunk should extend and be flush with transom or extend slightly past. Check tungue weight to see if you are in a reasonable range. Not too heavy and not too light otherwise this can lead to highway handling problems.
Yes the bunks should be set back far enough that they extend beyond the transom slightly. Having the transom sitting beyond the bunks can create pressure points and lead to a hook in the hull. Ideally you want the width between the bunks to match the width between the stringers so the bunks are supporting the boat underneath the boats stringers.
The first step to ensuring your boat is sitting correctly on your boat trailer is to check that your boats keel is resting on the keel rollers that may be attached to your boat trailer. Approximately 70 of the boats weight is in the keel so it is important that we focus on this area of your boat and that it. Load the boat using the winch to keep it in place and pull the boat up the ramp some and check to see if the boat is sitting correctly on the rear bunks 6.
Once you have the boat sitting on the rear bunks the way you want it pull the rig up to a level parking area. Using a floor jack raise the front bunks up to the boat putting some load. I can send you a more detailed pictures tomorrow but the bottom line is that you trailer is now set up for an outboard and it will be superheavy on the tongue.
You can move your axle very easily and even with the boat loaded. On mine I moved the rear axle infront of the front axle and it balanced the boat. Set boat on trailer while maintaining no less than 2 gap between keel and tongue plate cover.
The end of the bunksrollers should be flush with transom and the boweye should reach the winch post. If this is so the rear pivot should remain in the A-position. Whoever set that trailer up for that boat didnt do a very good job if that trailer was sold with that boat.
Swedefj40 Petty Officer 3rd Class. Joined Jun 9 2018 Messages 89. Aug 29 2019 5.